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mondae blues
sunday... as i said..i hafta wake up early to send da pulut..wen i woke up..da pulut was ready..it was so nyc..i plan it wif mama but she did it lah..coz i was aslp..bt i helped ok.. unlyk ma sista... dis is da pulut... ![]() ok..heres da pics i took.. nk kahwin jugak...!!!bez seh... ![]() ![]() dis is da pangantinz..she luk damn diffrnt lor.. so pretty... ![]() mondae... had ma malay O lvls exam todae..oklah..paper 1..i duno if em outta pts..paper 2 wasnt dat hard bt i dunno..tgk jelah macm mane..kalo i gt 3 or below..i'll retake during nov.. hmm... omg..i saw hakim..his fwen and jd..!!!i guess..nt sure lah coz hes dark..haha..eeiii... nobody saw me until da last min wen hakim lukd up and saw me bt i wonder if he noes dats me.. i juz msg him and den i saw him.. cool.. ma baby's having bball tournament dis whole wk.. aiya..dat boy ar.. go fer bball nvr go fer band..haiz..nvm..think em gonna slp nw..damn slppy lor.. juz nw wen i did ma paper pon dah feel da ngantokness.. hahah.. ayte.. gd nyd..hahah.. oh yah..HAPPY BURFDAE NADIYAH.. LOADS OF LUV FRM AUNTY BABY... MUAH MUAH...!!!! TIRED
ok..todae was da werst dae of da wk..omg.. i walked alot..at 0830..mama woke me up.. to accompany her to da market.. so..ok..i woke up..thou i was so reluctant.. bt wad to do.. cant expect her to go alone ryd..futhermore she hafta buy lots of stuff..we had our breakfast fers at Mac b4 going into da wet market.. gosh..ders lots of ppl.. heck..went to shing shong afta dat.. oso pack lyk hell.. bought lots of stuff..u cant imagine hw we managed to carry all of dem home.. and we were walking under da hot sun..ard 12 noon..dats bad.. gt hm.. sat fer a while..cleard da stuff we bought ad went out again.. dis tym to da bank..ouhh..mama transfered lots of money to ma acc.. dats cool..i lyk...lina..!!! aku pon bleh ZAP!ZAP! haha.. den go ard searching fer stuff again.. haiz.. wad a dae...em nt going into details.. cant b bothered lah.. juz hafta noe i had a bad dae.. got home and helped mama wif da cooking.. i'd rather go to skul sia..!!! PENAT...!!!!! ok.. i gt no mood nw.. gonna iron ma clothes fer tmr.. hafta send da pulut to da bride's place at 1030..darn..!!!
Last dae of skul
Todae's da last dae of skul fer fers smestr..hmm..tym flies really fast. well.. todae..we received our medal..thank god its a medal..or i wun hav anymore space on da shelf to put ma trophies.. ayte..was da fers team to go up on stage..and i was da fers person k..wanted to b da last... bt all team captains hafta go fers..darn.. nvm.. after da handshake..we mus stay fer a while until every1 hav received their medals and bow together.. being da fers person..i lukd lyk sum stupid idiot sia.. haha.. crap.. ok..heres da pic..thou its kinda blur.. blame sebast fer dat...![]() em on da far left..da man in blue is ma cuzzen..cum dm.. sian ar... ok..as usual..we had our intensive mt.. at 1010am..we were brought to da hall fer da tok regarding da O lvls exam dis mon...wish me luck mun..!!! after reccess.. its cleaning tym.. here are sum pics.. ![]() ![]() dats papa quek..ma ft..cum dnt tcher..isnt he cute.. ![]() da guys were werking so hard to remove da stains.. ![]() ceh bah mail..kemas cupboard seh.. tk ku sangke.. bt he really did a gd job u noe.. ![]() dey've bn fwens since pri skul... ![]() dats me.. after dat..we slack..while waiting fer mr quek to giv us our report bks. . ![]() ![]() dats da bdae boy...hes hot..if he dressed up lah.. ![]() isnt he lucky to hav such beautiful daughters..awww... damn..its blur.. after skul..met naq and ayu.. ![]() ![]() ![]() finally decided to go to ma place coz as usual..naq wanna use da comp..yey..!!! ![]() dats dem...in ma room... well...din gt to see ma baby todae..he gt cip in da morning..and after skul..his parents hafta mt da ft..tot his results very bad but hey..soon after da meeting..he msgd me and said dat his teacher praised him fer his improvments..WOW..!! well..dats ma baby..but darn.. dat means i hafta treat him coz hes results r bttr den mine.. nvm.. anything fer him.. hahah.. omg.. diana..!! stp it sia..!!! 3 cheers fer 5n1
WE GT 3RD..!!! yup..3rd.. hmm.. bt its ok lah.. we did great todae..as always.. em proud of every1..okai.. lets begin.. i wasnt in gd mood todae..fergt to bring ma money..and ma wallet was totally empty..nt a single cent..dat has nvr happen b4..so ya...din eat during reccess..bt em cool wif dat.. used to it.. bt after skul..em hungry..bt due to da bad mood thingey..em lazy to ask sum money frm abg nahar..(hes ma cuzzn..dm in skul..haiz..) so i kept quiet.. da fers match began.. we wasnt sure of d outcum bt we tried our bez.. was a rather gd fight... as usual..dey played rough..so unfair.. even tried to injure their own bez fwen.. poor edna..she was kicked by her opponent..wic is her bezfwen.. well.. she cried after da match..bt its ok..dis things happen always.. wen da umpire blew da last whistle..all of us alr expected dat 5n3 will win..coz dey catch up wif us..(we were leading b4 dat..urgh..!!!)i went to check da pts..damn... we lost by a pt..9-8.. dats so frustrating..bt its ok..nvm..we tried our bez..its only dat luck was nt by our syd..so we played another game..fer da 3rd and 4th placing.. well..we had lots of fun during dis match..it was a kinda relex 1 lah.. we score alot..bt i duno wads da score coz i din check wif da umpire..hehe..der was once i did a super duper shot..i stood quite far frm da pole..bt da ball went smoothly into da net..even w/o touching da rim..whoa..!!! cool...!!! ok..we tuk lots of pic..lots of crazzieee pose..i askd dem to do dem..hahah..biasa..kate diana.. camera freak.. ok..had fun todae thou ma leg still kills me... after da whole thing ends..we had our debrief...sat in a circle and fers of all..congrates every1 fer putting lotsa effort..den apologise if we had sum miscommunication or misunderstanding or pushed or wadever..in da court.. seriously..i luv ma gurls..we r so united.. oder teams..after their match..hehe haha abit..den dey went off..every1 did their own stuff.. unlyk us..we even called fer a clebration..gonna go pizza hut dis sat..cool...!!i lyk.. aiya..i juz luv dem lah..thou we gt 3rd..i think at d end of da dae..we were da happiest team..serious.. ok..dis is juz undescribable... well..gonna go up on stage tmr to take our trophy.. every yr.. our class will bring back a trophy home.. well..we've made our class proud..hey..thou all of da gurls in ma class luk so decent and studious type..bt wen we r on court..we r lyk fly gurls..hahah... u can see us flying everywer..dun play2 ar..so ya..gonna show off to da guys in ma calss...dey tok much only..end up dey lost after da fers round of bball match.. useless lah.. hehe..bt nvm.. dos trophies r fer all of us in 5n1.. i juz luv ma classmates.. well..gtg nw..tv's koling..hehe.. omg..i haven study fer ma mlay paper..o lvls in 4 daes.. DARN....!!!! ![]() da 5n1 netballers ![]() ![]() our forever rival...only on court. ![]() while resting ![]() ![]() wif miss ng...gonna miss her ![]() ![]() da dae we've bn waiting fer..da semi-finals ![]() ![]() showing off our position ![]() guess wer m i? ![]() candid shot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() debrief ![]() Da ATTITUDE Returns
"5n1 woosh.." dats how we gather our strength and determination b4 starting our fers match.. we werent ready actually coz our match was supposed to b da 4th match bt end up being da fers match.. so we were unprepared...no warm up.. not enuf encouraging werds fer da gurls...(ya.. i do da toking..captain mah..wahhahha..) and i dun even hav tym fer ma shooting pract..and ya.. as expected..ma shooting sux mun..!! i lost lots of shot.. da ball juz hit da rim and bounce back.. was disappointed in maself lah coz da gurls werkd so hard to gt da ball to da semi circel..and i let it off easily.. sori gurls.. da fers half was ok lah.. we were leading thou..cool.. we tot our opponent wasnt dat strong..bt hell ya.. dey r rough..we dun play rough..we play professionally.. heeh.. heck...2nd half..while playing..i was being pushed wen i jumpd to gt da ball..so i fell..sprained ma ryd ankle..injured ma left knee..isnt dat cool? ya..u bet..ouch..bt nah..its not dat painful AT DAT MOMENT...fers match..we won..bt da score wasnt far..4-1..hahah..coz i miss lots of shots remember..? so ok..da nex game..we vs 3e5..i think..wah..dat class oso nt dat bad..da deffence very gd..bt we were better..heheh... dis tym ard..i really luv da way we played..very fast...gt coordination and communication and da gurls really tried their bes man.. well..mayb bcoz of ma shouting...dey were alert..i din scold ayte..juz guiding dem.. asking fer da ball and all...and wen its our ball wen its outsyd..i instruct who to take..and shouted.."its ours gurls..cum one 5n1.."dat way...dey aint dat blur..and we moved fast.. wen we missed da ball..i'll shout.." its ok..gt it back.." really luv da way we played lah.. shud hav record it in a tape..heheh... well..we won again.. 10-6. entered da semi finals..and we r gonna mt out rival again..fer 3 yrs straight.. fer da past 2 yrs..we were defeated..bt dis yr..i hope we can win..we hafta win..so dat dey wun luk down on us and respect us...!!!after our 2nd match...we can go home..coz da semi will b tmr..b4 dat..i kold fer a debrief.. i always do dat..i think its only us..heheh.. cool.. k..i told dem dat if we perform well lyk hw we did juz now..ders a chance of us wining..hav faith in urselves and nvr give up.. luking at their faces..i noe dey wanna do it.. and dey agree wif wad i said.. i luv u all mun..!!! we gonna win dat trophy back..bt..i tol dem..even if we lose..dun lose hope..and tell ourselves dat we've done our bez.. well..lets juz see...and again..we end our dae wif.."5n1 woosh..!!!" gO away!!!
hey...wads wrong wif me...? y am i feeling dis way..y am i so sensitive fer no reason..? WHY..??? i gt angry over lil things...dis only occurs wen em alone..or feeling lonely..why? isit bcoz em gonna hav ma mensuration? no..i dun think so coz i seldom act dis way.. recently..i hav bn bad tempered at home.. only at home..nt in skul..dats strange.. i can joke ard wif fwens and stuff bt wen em at hm..hmmm...only god noes.. poor baby.. he din go fer band pract juz now and now hes bowling..i was alil bit angry wif him lah.. end up..dia pon kene.. sori baby..din mean to bt em feeling kinda weird maself.. 1 wrong werd or move..i cn go crazy.. plz lah diana..stp gtting angry fer nothing..of all things.. why mus i think of HIM now..i shudn u noe..to make things werst..i listened to jiwang songs juz now.. aiya.. aku ni mcm da jatuh ditimpa tangge.. stupid me..!!! em having mixed feelings ryd now.. hmm... da feeling lyk wen ur 'sebak' still stays in ma heart..ma heart felt so heavy and as if ders a lump in ma throat.. hmm...wish ders sum1 who can understand me.. mayb by fergiving ma baby..helps..his werds usually cracked me up.. bt i dunno.. heck ar.. em gonna make maself bz..lyk do ma malay ppr..hafta do it..kalo tk..mati lah... em not gonna dwell on it nemore.. so lina..dun worry k.. em fyn.. :p lets watch da movie together k.. wen? hmm...lets plan.. -tanduk da naik da- hehe.. k den.. anything..juz hollar..
A shocking dae fer me...!!!
"WAD...!!! netball postpone..??? to wen..??? walao...stupid sia...!!!" yup..dats hw i reacted wen i gtta noe abt it. juz bcoz of da constrution stuff on da court..we hafta postpone..stupid ryd.. mr oh shud hav known btter... nvm..so..our match will start tmr.. hmm...gd lah..so i dun hafta go fer mads rem.. our bball boys lost in their fers match..poor thing..their opponent team gt bball playerS..haha..sad.. nvm.. da gurls will make da class proud..dun worry..ceh...ckp byk..skali fers round da kalah eh... iisssyyy...cnnt lah...muz win back dat title...!!! insya'Allah...had ma malay oral juz now..ma reading was very gd bt conversation...lyk SHYT sia... confirm fail.. ok..so went fer band meeting..to hand over our duties... man..i miss ma horn...din stay fer long.. went hm straight afta dat.. gt hm..on da comp..and here i am..blogging and chatting wif hakim only.. naseb lah ko ade..tk lah boring sgt aku.. maceh ye..heheh...gerek jugak berceloteh ngan ko..mcm mak nenek..ooppss...ok..jgn majok k.. waduh..gi mana si..mintak ampun ye pak..heheh.. hmm.. wad m i gonna do now..ok..gonna do ma malay hw..sian ar.. ok..gt back ma overall results.. hmm... L1R4..i gt 26..!!! dats very bad..and i hate dat num...unlucky num..lina..!!!u noe y ryd..dat num kills me mun.. L1R5 i gt 33...haha..very bad.. 1 a2, 1 d7, 4 c6...aiya..nvm..i admit i din study hard fer ma mid yr.. so..nvm..dis is juz da begining...wad else.. hey ppl..em so lonely.. ma lyf is so empty.. hate it wen i gt hm.. aaarrrggghhh...!!!! "... mana mungkin kita bertahan...hidup dlm bersendirian.." yup..lyk doz sentences frm sitis song..very true.. bt em nt gonna go into relationship..very troublesome.. lagi pon..sape lah nk kn kite kan.. rupe tkde..bodoh.. bknnye baik sgt.. nah.. nt gonna let dat guy suffer..hehe.. ok..em crapping.. aiya..din gt to see ma baby todae.. he din go fer band.. so bad sia.. hehe.. ok den.. da toilet's koling me..alamak... mlz nye..!!!
boredom kills me...
gosh..ma stomach hurt..bt dat doesnt stp me frm blogging..heheh..well...woke up dis morning and found out mama and kakak was not ard..yeh..dey went to da market..slamat aku tk yah ikut..heheh.. so ok..i did da normal chores..jemur baju, lipat baju and stuff lyk dat..hmm..but i din bathe yet..eeeewwww...bt still smell nyc ok..hahah.. den mak mon came..and as expected.."orak adus?" haha.. i duno hw to spell..it means..blum mandi..or haven bathe..hahah... yah.. ok.. den mun yee msg on da attire fer da intre class..dey wanted to wear our class t..bt minez spoiled.. darn.. so ok..i told her i'll gt bk to her.. went to search fer ma class t..omg..horrible sia.. all da colours run out.. wanted to cry u noe..wore it only once and now i can use it as kain lap lantai.. yup..dat bad.. bt i dun give up..i wanna try to at least reduce da stains.. so i used da soap and scrub it..after sum tym..i realised i actually peeled ma skin..ouh mun..!!! kulit gue terkopek..aduh.. sakit banget deh.. ouch..!! if u see oso u'll run away.. bt dat din stp me frm gving up.. i cont doing it till ma shirt's clean.. after all da hardwerk and effort..da reslut was shown.. wow.. thou its not as clean as b4..bt its clean.. cool..em so happy dat each tym i went to da kitchen, i'll look at it..hahah...ok..den i clean ma wardrobe..now its neater..kakak jelez...wahah.. abeh asked me to do fer her oso..bleh jln dah.. tkde mase nk layan..hahah..hmm.. aiya.. bored lah..i gt nothing to update..ma baby din reply to ma msg..hw cud he.. hmm.. still wondering if i wanna go fer da sws concert..see fers lah..ask ma gurlfwens fers..ok den.. em getting bored alr..gonna watch tv..see ya..ps* sape2 yg senang skg..silalah msg gue..gue bosan banget deh... waduh... em so tired ysterdae dat i din on da comp after i gt back..isnt dat a miracle..? hahah.. got home..took ma shower and slp..ok..yesterdae..after skul..at 1230..ma fwens and i agreed to play netball..juz to brush up sum skills..hahah ok..every1 was wearing skul u..and it was schorching hot..we played full court summore..damn..long tym nvr play..ma energy level dropped.. ok.. practiced ma shooting..not bad ok..lyk to shoot outsyd da semi-circle..wah..can play bball lah..accurate shot.. cool.. nvm.. den at 0230..rushed hm coz gotta mt lina at 5pm at clementi.. wah piang.. tired sia..den we went to yishun to buy her facial stuff at da doc..walked here and der..den at bdk mrt station..mt mama and we went to mak's place..hmm..ard 9+pm.. i reached hm..and go to bed..ouh..bed??? walao..wad r u thinking.. hahah..ok..lame.. den wen i woke up..gtta rez fer a few mins..ma aunt koled and asked me to gt ready..at 1 pm..reached ma cuzzens place..kenduri lah.. sampai je masuk dapur..prepare da food lah...pack fer ppl lah... top up da food lah..washed da dishes lah..alahai..leceh btul jadi pompan..jadi lelaki kn lagi bagus..alamak..!!! b4 maghrib..we went hm.. bla bla bla..and em blogging ryd now.. hmm.. bored lah.. todae ma mood isnt ryd..sikit2 je marah...hahah..bt after toking to ma baby edwin..everythings fyn coz he made me luff..aaww...u adorable sweetie pie..hahah..menyampah eh..who cares..!! hmm.. bsk lak ade bdae party..ma cuzzens'..ders two of dem..not twin..cool ryd.. klah..gonna clean maself fers.. ma story...it will be continued..... i failed..
Dear Lina,fers of all..sori fer rejecting ur kols juz now..its juz dat..wen i asked u to kol..dats da tym i need u da most..i dunno to whom i wanna turn to.. end up i went to da toilet and burst into tears..y?? ok..todae..i gt bk ma complete papers of sci and mads..as expected..i failed.. 46 fer mads..43 fer sci.. but i really hope i'll pass ma eng.. da last period was eng lesson.. received back our papers..hmm...i failed..ya..unexpected..coz em one of da top student in eng.. well..i failed ma EMS.. can u imagine..? i was so disappointed in maself..in ma four yrs..i've nvr failed ma papers.. NVR..!!! den dis yr, wen i gt dis kinda results..em so upset..mayb i've always bn da high flyer..dats y i am feeling dis way..hmm...i dunno..da moment i calculated ma overall marks fer eng..and i found out dat i failed by a few marks..ma mood suddenly changed.. i went silent fer a few mins b4 crying.. i became even upset wen ma malay fwens..who supposed to b closer to me in class..din even care..i mean..i dunno if dey even noe dat em sad or crying.. dey juz dun bother.. surprisingly..ma chi guy fwens were da ones consoling me..wen da bell rang..ma malay fwens juz went off w/o even saying gd bye.. i was down der crying wen ma grp of chi plus sum malay gurls..approached and giv me moral support and advices..ma chi guy fwens stood at da door, still unsure whether to leave me alone or not..wen i leave da room..dey left too..well..at least now i noe who ma true fwens ar..thanx gurls and guys.. till now..one by one msg me..telling me to b strong and hav faith in maself..and dun give up.. well thanx again gurls..really appreciate it.. ma mood was affected..i duno y i became angry wen u said u'll kol ltr..i dunno wad came over me.. sori abt dat lina..hope u understand..em juz so disappointed in maself..i admit i din werk hard enuf fer dis exam..i din take it seriously..so i hav no one to blame except fer maself.. i dun wanna disappoint mama..she ever said.."By, tinggal by sorang lah harapan abah ngan mama.. by kene blaja rajin2..kakak and abg da tkde harapan.. ma and abah tk mintk sampai ke menara gading..poly je da cukup.. ok.." doz werds keep lingering in ma ears.. dats y em so sad wen i din achieve gd results..and oso..i feel lyk i betrayed their trust..sori mama..abah.. by janji by akan blajar btul2 frm now onwards..i juz hope i can hav da support frm everybody..fwens and ma family..but i noe they r der fer me...thanx ppl.. so yah..dats abt it.. i've created a history..crying aftr receiving ma papers..nvr in our five yrs..ma fwens seen me crying..coz i've always bn da happy-go-lucky type..guess i wun be dat lucky nemore... wad a dae...!!!!
hey..gosh.. lina..i duno wad i did to da blog..end up wif two boxes only..wahahah.. bt kinda cool ryd.. at least can se ma face..wic doesnt luk lyk me.. hahah... ok..nvm.. fer da tym being..let it be dat way.. kalo aku da jelak..den i change lah.. mayb gonna change da song as well.. it irritates sum1..aiya..any song i put oso will irritate dat person.. troublesome mun...!!! hahah... hmm ok..wad happened todae..lots..!!!!went to skul as per normal..fers period..gt ma combined humans paper back..hey..guess wad..i finally passed dem.. and em da highest fer ss.. cool...lalalala..2nd period..chem.. hate dat subj mun.. da whole class failed terribly.. our practical sux lyk hell..single digit seh... and its over 15 fer each..so paper 5 over 30 lah...i gt 11/30..how coool was dat..??? since i haven gt bk ma phy ppr 2..da calculation i made was only 56/135...DATS VERY BAD U NOE..!!!! NVR GAT DAT KIND OF RESULTS B4....!!!! VERY DISAPPOINTING.. damn... fergt it..gonna add up da total wen i gt phy ppr tmr.. den madz lesson.. failed ma ppr 1 by 1 mark..failed ppr 2 by 5 marks.. idiot kan.. i shud hav done sect b fer ppr 2.. stupid sia.. its not enuf fer us to do dat paper fer only 2hr30mins...nvm..em not really disappointed coz i dun fail dat paper badly..overall..i gt 46/100.. but dats only fer da paper..teacher said i'll pass after combining wif oder results.. dis failure will motivate me to even werk harder nx tym ard..YES...IT WILL!!!!... after recess.. mT lesson.. haiz..ma marks dropped fer ppr 2.. ppr 1 haven gt yet..i hope it can help me.. i gt full marks fer listening compre..hey..em a gd listener okai..unlyk sum ppl..mcm pak mat tempeh kene langgar motorcar.. pekak nk mampui.. aiyo-yo...muz clean ur ears ar...hai..sape2 yg terase tu.. ehem.. do ur job lah..wahahha.. ok crap... fer da last two periods..i had dnt lesson.. damn bored mun..go thru da paper..i managed to juz pass lah..bt at least i pass...ryd..??heck ar... so da whole dae we went thru papers..sian ar..(see lah..follow ma baby alr..sian ar..hahah) tmr..i may b gtting back ma phy p2 and eng ppr.. damn scary man..if i fail eng..i dun hav to take d oder papers lah..useless wad... nvm..pray hard lah.. ma baby is oso praying fer me...sweet kan..? hahah.. menyampah eh..wadahell...!!! went to mt mama and kakak ard 0730..at bdk intre..went to collect our clothes frm da tailor.. did lots of walking..tired lah.. ma body ver pain..duno y..any free massaging service...??? ders p.e tmr..yey..!!! gonna practice ma shooting..and gonna do sum strategies and coordination.. gonna hav our last intre class netball match on da 24th of may 2005.. hope to win back our title and gt fers dis yr..hv bn gtting 2nd or 3rd.. nvm.. we'll b da CHAMPION dis yr..DA ATTITUDE RETURNS...!!!! dats our class moto..sumhow lah.. cool...!!! hahah...ok..em gonna stp crapping now..and search fer ma geog wkbk..wonder wer i put it..nie buku nk main sembunyi2 ngan aku pulak.. alamak..!!! ok..i've change da layout..again..but its not done yet..mayb continuing tmr or wad..mama da bising lah.. b4 i gt scolded..mite as well i off da comp fers ryd.. basically did nothing todae..stayed at home and slack..din even cook da rice..darn..mama gt back and i kena scolded..as usual..haiz.. bttr off going to skul..and yey..!!! em skuling tmr..happy coz i gt to mt ma fwens..and dun hafta clean da house and cook..bt on d oder hand..em kinda lazy to wake up early at 5 am.. damn..dunno if i gt back any paper tmr.. heck lah.. as i said..em gonna fail moz of da papers.. yey..!!! hahah.. hmm...mamaz shouting alr..bttr gt ma butt off da comp chair..if i dun wanna gt scolded.. gonna iron ma clothes and pack ma beg..but wait..wad m i bringing tmr? no idea..ahahah..k den.. em going..dun mizz me ya.. ps*lina..help me wif dis..if possible..kalo tk bleh..nvm..i'll cont tmr..ayte.. thanx..and nabz..be brave.. be a man..(ok wait.. ur alr a man ryd..??!!!hahah) walking in da dark is nothing..okai..wahahah... bluek..!!! phew..!!! had a long dae todae... but i lyk..ayte..i'll summaries... woke up at 0930am.. awaken by a phone call.. aiya..disturbing mun.. actually set ma alrm at 10 am..bt nvm..took dat half an hour to read.. at 1030..gave yati a morning kol..den took ma shower..change..and went out..weather was alryd lah..was drizzling alil wen i went out..but em cool..dun bother to carry umbrella..wic i actually did bt din use it..hahah.. crap.. met yati at phonebooth..she was smoking..urgh..!!! smelly sia..hahha.. waited fer lina fer a few mins..wic was not really a few ar lina..!!! while waiting.. yati and i cudnt take da heat and humidity..so we went to mac fer a drink.. fer d air-con to b exact..wahahah... k..met lina at bdk control statn..den off we went to tamp coz yati wanna take sum cash frm her mama.. ouh...great.. took da train and go all da way to esplanade.. b4 going to da roof top.. we took sum pics wif da statue.. haha..stupid ppl do stupid stuff..lyk duh..!!! ayte..den to da rooftop.. nyc scenery bt da weather was quite heaty..saw sum couples.. dey were smooching.. haiz...sakit mate memandang..haha... took lots of pics.. did sum crazy stuff and all.. check dem out at ma snapshots... wif dat kinda weather..hell ya we nd a drink.. went to marina square and had our late breakfast cum lunch at LJS... naq and ella join us ltr..walked ard..den decided to go heeren..as usual..print shop...hahah... lyk wad else..all of us r camera freakz..!!!wad'ya expect.. ok..smile here and der..pose dis way and dat way..bla bla bla..da pic turned out nyc..cute..hahah.. by dat tym..everyone was very shag alr.. da faces..i tell u lyk wanna kena smack sia..hahah... planned to go to boat quay.. to relex our minds..biasa lah..smue heart broken katekn..hahah.. erm..bt not me..i've moved on..sumhow..hahah.. juz wanna cool down ourself.. wen we reached raffles place..yati changed her mind..she took da train home..BAST*RD sia... she board da train.. den da door close..secs latr..it opened again..YATI..ITU MENUNJUKKN BAHAWA DORANG TK KASI KO NAIK..SURUH IKUT KITE..!!! haha.. bt wad to do.. b4 we cud pull her out..da door closed..darn..hahah.. so ok..me,lina and naq bought drinks and muffin frm strbcks..and we sat by da river.. took pics.. hehe..hahah... and yah..dats abt it.. of coz der were jokes n lufter in btw da journey..bt em not going to details.. at 0600pm.. we took da train home.. well.. had fun today..mayb shud go out again ya.. hmm..cool..!!! ok lah.. not really in da mood to cont dis.. luk at da pics n it explains all..ok.. zul..sumtyms u shud tag along..its fun ya noe..hmm.. ok den.. gonna rez ma butt..penat tau duk lame2..membesarkn bontot je..ltr sum ppl say its not sexy and cnnt turn dat person on..wadever..!!! hahah..ok den..u guys take care ya..lina.. juz ignore doz bitches... u still hav us by ur syd...bttr off lyking ME..not ma BRADER...hahah.. ok den.. ltr...!!! ouh man..ystrdae..i slpt at five.. y? toking to dos two idiots lah.. hahah... bt fun lah..din feel slppy until da last few mins..wer i cannt tahan nemore.. haha.. dats y i kept quiet alot..hahah... den da werst thing was dat...mama wake me up at 0830..wah piang.. liat seh nk bgn.. mcm nk buat bodz je..bt nah..i promised to accompany her..so..wif all da strength i had..i tuk ma towel and had ma shower.. gosh..sucha torture..hahah.. was actually shutting ma eyes while bathing.. eewww... hahah.. we took abt 1hr 30 mins to shop..den gt home..mama started cooking..and dat means i also hafta help out.. aiya.. no res u noe.. da preparation was werst den da cooking u noe.. cut dis and dat..blend tu lah..nilah.. all mama did was to throw everything in da kuali..we cooked lauk pecel.. haha.. cool... den.. after dat..did da laundry.. after wic..i swept da floor.. alamak.. leceh mun..!!! den i gtta sit infront of ma comp and godeh2 here and der..hahah...changed ma layout..bt gonna change it again sum oder tym..not nyc lah.. bluek..!!! ok..den i watched tv... bt all da shows r crap sia.. den..din realise wad tym i slept.. mama wake me up fer maghrib.. hmm... abg disturbed me..as usual.. bt i juz ignored..hah..tk kuase nk lyn..did nothing much lah..watched tv and stuff...n now em blogging..as usual..hahah..kalo tk kene maki ngan mama and sis pon da cukup bagus..haah..ok..crap... going out wif lina..yati and mayb zulaiha tmr..cooL..!!! em juz bored lah.. no skul fer tmr and tues.. lower sec still having paper..haha..poOr thing..dat includes ma baby.. aaww...bt nvm.. going to esplanade tmr..cooL..gonna tke lots of pics.. heheh... all of us r camera freaks.. bbrrr.... ok..gonna mt dem at 12 sia..so early..coz lina cnnt go home late.. by 5 lyk dat hafta go alr..nvm.. hopefully da weather wun b dat bad lah.. make it juz nyc..not so hot and humid..n not wet..hahah.. i ask fer dis as if em asking fer a mixed drink.. wadahell..!!!! ok lah.. gonna search fer clothes to wear tmr.. mayb wearing skirt..coz ma jeanz r washing.. nvm.. yey..!!!!going out tmr..!!! but..no money lah.. i only hav 20 bucks wif me.. but ssshhhh...nvm..gonna ask frm mama.. hahah..i dun wanna ZAP!ZAP! lah..ltr no money to gt married..hahah... shuddup diana..!!! today's da 14th of may 2005.. dats two months after ma daddy's death.. i..as usual.. cried while eating..coz usually..on da table..he'll sit opposite me.. i was siting at ma place juz now.. eating alone.. memories kp cuming back.. hes siting der in his usual position..eating his plate of rice and drinking his cup of coffee.. remembered da way he eat and drinks and how he luks lyk after eating... i cant hold back ma tears.. i juz cant.. its only 2 months...bt it seems so long..i dunno how am i gonna continue ma days without him.. while eating..i also think hows mama gonna live w/o her beloved husband by her side..i noe dat she misses him so much..in fact more den us.. after washing ma dishes..i stood by da window..wer he usually stand after eating or wen he smokes... i din see any taxi dat belongs to him.. n i saw a family walking together as a family.. i juz broke down..coz i noe ma family is alr incomplete and it juz feel so different..i miss ma dad alot..i hav not listen to his voice fer 4 months and i will nvr gt to hear it again...and i miss dat...i miss da way he kiss me on ma cheek wen hes off to werk..i miss da way he say ma name..i miss da way he scold me if i nvr sweep da floor..i miss da way he speaks.. i miss da smell of him..practically...i miss him..everytym if i sit on ma sofa..i'll recall his everyday routine wen he wakes up.. i've seen dat fer 17 yrs of ma lyf..and now i cant..coz hes gone..forever..hes juz so nyc and kind, luving , caring, funny...everything...em so emotional ryd now..dat em crying while typing dis entry...why muz a gd person lyk ma dad go so soon...? i dun blame god fer taking him away frm us...bt its juz too early..i still nd a father's luv.. ma lyf has bn so empty... its werst fer mama..we cant leave her alone at home all by herself..dats y i hafta b ard at nyd..still..it feels so different wen ma dad doesnt come hm at 9pm..fer hari raya dis yr and da yrs to cum..ma father wun be ard..dat will make a total difference..totally...!!! i juz envy all ma fwens who still hav their daddys..how i wish i still hav one...i miss him...every part of da house reminds me of him..evrything der is in da house has bn touched by him...how can i fergt abt him..?no...nvr..!!!i wun fergt abt him.. da person who took care of me since young...hes da bez daddy i cud ever hav... Abah..u'll always b in ma heart..i will nvr fergt da daes we spent together..the things u've done fer me...all da troubles u had to go thru..everything abt u..every werd dat came out frm ur mouth.. everything u taught me...will be lock in ma heart and memory..rest assured..i will study hard coz dats wad u've always wanted.. i wun disappoint u nor mama n da res...Abah.. i dun gt da chance to apologise to u fer ma wrong doings.. baby mintak maaf kerana tk jage abah semasa abah berade di dlm hosp...by menyesal.. by terkilan..Abah..plz fergive me... now..i can juz pray to god..hope da bez fer ma daddy.. watever happens..he'll always b in ma heart...yah..its juz so sad to noe dat hes not ard to witness our achievements and everything but i hope frm wer he is now.. he'll b able to... Abah, i will always luv u... EXAMZ OVA...!!!! HEARD DAT LINA...!!! hahaha..em done wif it.. well mayb fer now.. major paper..cuming on its way...darn... but dat will b in 6 months tym.. now..i can relex fer awhile..!!! paper finished at 0915am juz now..it was damn early..shane asked me to accompany him fer breakfast at mac...since ma gurlfwens were still having their papers..i followed him.. shane, ismail and i went to mac at tamp and ate big breakfast..while waiting fer ma food to arrive..someone knocked on da glass window..guess who...??? MA BABY...!!!! AARRRGGGGGHHHH...!!!! hahah..its edwin lah.. haha.. at 1pm..met lina at bugis.. wanted to watch movie bt all da shows r not interesting...waiting fer 26th of may..gt a nyc show...so..shane,lina n i took prints..TWICE..!! lina paid fer da second one..i dunno wads wif her.. neoprinto freako..(eh..it rhymes) da pic turned out nyc lah... den while cutting da pic so dat it cn b distributed..gt dis gurl..shes out of her mind i guess..fancy cut into our conversation and say something...out loud..in front of our face...fark lah.. who does she think she is...? some lame old shyt minah wannabe...crap..and i think shes even younger den us.. wadahell...!!! eh...dptkn ic dulu lah..baru bleh bbual.. went out fer lunch after dat.. ate nasi lemak wic i gav half of it to da both of dem..cant finish it lah... den...went sumwer else to check out sum stuff..had a 15 mins walk..dunno wers da place..pusing2.. padahl tmpt dia kat situ je.. and da weather was so freaking hot and its humid.. gosh.. reached at da destination...sat down fer our dessert fers..to cool ourselves down..den started to window shop..shane bought 2 tshirts... bla bla bla...took da train towards pasir ris ard 4+ i think..wah..very tired sia.. reached hm.. on da comp and ya..practically do wad em doing ryd now... hmmm...bored mun..!!! em watching dis show on star werld...quite gd lah.. k den.. gonna teman mama in da living rm.. ! heya ppl...em gonna fail ma sci.. even if em gonna do ma chem paper properly tmr..it wun help much..heck lah.. as i said..its only mid yr.. juz now..after da phy paper..i broke down.. em juz so disappointed wif maself..fer not trying hard enuf...em nvr lyk dis u noe.. nvr..!!! wad happen to me..wers all ma enthusiasm in studis.. haiz.. sucha disappointment mun..!!! nvm..i'll do bttr nx tym ard.. i lyk dis song..bt i dunno da title and da singer...: "...Id rather hav bad tyms wif u…den gd tyms wif sum1 else..i’d rather b besyd u in a storm…den safe and warm by maself…id rather hav hard tyms togeder den to hav it easy apart…id rather hav sum1 who holds ma heart…" nyc man.. its nicer if i sing..wahahah... nah..i'll juz bring back da rain..ryd nabz...? hahah... well..was late fer skul juz now.. woke up at 7am..!!! can u believe dat..god.. luckily abg wake me up.. took ma shower fer only 5 mins..but hey..em clean ayte..den asked mama to iron ma skul u.. at 0715am..em out... waited fer taxi fer 10 mins.. skali wen ders a taxi..a gurl came and hail fer it.. idiot sia.. koled home.. asked abg to send me... ride his scrambler... cool... reached skul ard 0740...aiya.. force maself to do last min revision..wic i nd da moz.. bt it doesnt help much... sci practical was sux..i gt lots of points i din wryd fer chem.. fer phy..i hope everythings ok..!!! tmr is ma last paper... yey..!!! but i bet it wun b an easy one.. i miss ma horn lah..!!!i wanna go fer band..!!! hmm... k den..gonna start mugging....sian ar...hahah... ouh man...mads paper was a killer..!!! i cant finish most ques..and em so stupid not to do ma sect b... gosh..dats lots of marks man..i shudnt hav squeezed ma brain on da ques i dunno.. i alr noe wad to do fer sect b.. and i noe i can do it.. wad a waste..so..mads..gone case lah..D7 i guess... chem/phy p1..i cant even do..i fergt da formulaes..or mayb bcoz i din do ma revision wic em supposed to.. darn...!!! oso..gonna fail ma sci..bt it all depends on ma p2..plus ma practical.. yup..having dat tmr..tonyd..hafta study ma phy..gotta learn and memorise all da formulaes.. i hafta pass dis paper.. den in d afternoon..taking ma pract.. haiz... den fri last paper.. chem p2.. after dat...yahoooo.... can hurray2..!!! hahah... em not surprise if ma results will turn out very bad..thou i NVR in ma sec skul lyf gotta gt dat kinda results..nvm..em cool wif dat.. gonna learn dis lesson...not to study last min fer o lvls.. yup...after june..em gonna concentrate alot on ma studies..cant let ma mama down.. after skul...met lina..we planned to go to zul's place bt last min, change of plan..so, lina,naq,ayu,shane and i went to TM.. walked here and der.. den had our lunce at PIZZA HUT...wah..kaye btul..hahah..nah.. oh yah..wen we entered da restaurant...we were luffing lyk mad..da..wad do u kol...waitress eh..brought us to da table..bt da way she welcome us was so funny...man..we were lyk so childish at dat point of tym... while eating..we cracked some jokes..lina started it..and i made it werst by saying...ermm...hmmm...tau2 jelah eh...hahah... nt gonna say it out here..malu i...hahha...(jgn ketawe eh lina..)..den as usual..we tuk printz... nyc..gosh..havoc sia..squeeze here and der...den da last pose was very nyc...skali finish alr...ceh...haah.. kecohrable mun...den we went seprate ways.. i went home wif lina lah.. we went to bdk lib...slack fer a while...bla bla bla...at 6pm.. i reached hm.. well..gonna take ma shower and start studying...2 more days and dats it... ohmagod..!!!i told mama abt dis dream i had yesterdae.. ma teeth fell one by one and stops at 6. u guys might tot its kinda funny and lame but guess wad she said...."eh..alamak..!"..i was lyk.."wad..?" "..dat means ade org dlm keluarga kite nk meninggal..!" omg..i was so shocked.. i asked if its fer real..she kept quiet.. Ya Allah.. panjangkan lah umurku serta umur ahli- ahli keluargku yg lain Ya Allah.. dis is scaring me..we've juz lost da most beloved family member..i hope we dun lose any of dem fer da tym being.. man..cant cncntrate on ma mads...bbbrrr... hey hey.. ok.. em studying ryd now but ma hands are juz very itchy.. so here it goes.. sat fer ma ss and dnt paper juz now.. ss was ok coz ders abt northern ireland.. fer da fers tym after 3 yrs..dat was ma fers tym doing SEQ ques fers and i was really eager to do dem.. haiz... mentang2 lah blaja sampai sparuh mati..haha..den followed by SBQ... damn..din gt to finish ma last ques.. no tym..and em so gonna fail ma SBQ..sembarang seh tulis.. heck lah.. den dnt..haiz..dun ask..i slpt thru da nyd yesterday..and no one wake me up.. i din study ma dnt.. omg..!!! in morning..during silent reading..i was really scared.. we din do our theory fer a long tym and i fergt moz of da stuff.. god..!!! during da break..went to da cnteen.. tried to study bt it juz cudnt gt into ma brain..last min study always doesnt werk.. ma face was so cramp..hahah.. until ma baby kold me oso i din notice..sori lah edwin.. was a bit stress lah.. neway..ur smile made me feel bttr..hahah... ya..so..sat fer da paper.. and i was lyk..wad da hell.. i fergt everything..i juz scribbled wad i had in mind.. dun care lah..fail..den fail lah.. heck..its juz da mid yr.. hmm....so ok.. after ma paper.. naq and ayu wanted to cum ova to ma place.. i was lyk..serious...!! coz dey dun usually wanna cum down to bedok..even wen i ask.. so..it was kinda strange lah.. walked in da rain..till we reached ma place.. wah... tired..slack lah as usual.. naq used ma comp..i served dem ice cream..on a rainy day..cool huh.. heck.. ayu was moody coz i stopped her frm going hm wif dis guy she juz gtta noe..werst hes riding a bike..once i learned abt it... i said.." NO...HIDAYU..I SAID NO..!"..yup..i was dat firm..em not gonna let her ride wif sum 23 yr old guy she barely noe.. well..em always da big sister ard dem.. of coz lah.. em older den dem..wadahell.. gd thing was dat hidayu always listened to me..mayb bcoz she noes its fer her own gd.. da last tym she wanna meet a guy so far away..after band..i also stopped her.. aiya..hidayu..its fer ur own gd lah..its not dat i dun trust u bt i dun wan anything to happen to u..okai..!! at 5pm.. dey went home..left me alone..as usual.. mamas cuming hm in a few mins tym.. den after dis..em gonna study AGAIN..!!. tmr ders mads p2 and chem/phy mcq.. alahai... mlz nye.. bler lah nk abez.. leceh btul... ok den.. not gonna waste ma tym on dis nemore..thou i kinda lyk it..wahaha.. pemalas btul aku nie...lina...zul...miz toking to da bof of u.. shud go out after lina's exam okai...!!! watch movie or sumthing..and TAKE PIC.. hahah...luv u all...!!! did ma goeg and madz paper 1 juz now.. damn its tough.. geog..ok2lah... mads..em going crazy sia.. whos da setter...? gonna kick his arse mun..!!! em so gonna fail.. paper 2 muz help me.. aiya.. ma fault lah fer nt studying.. how m i suppose to.. yesterdae..i was da last person to noe dat we r going out fer early dinner wif ma family..including mak and fam.. at 5..we went out.. bla bla bla... 0730 reached hm.. i was really scared sia coz i haven finish studying.. and em afraid if ma eyes cant take it and i slp even b4 finish studying.. so yah.. only studied wet rice and development.. at 11pm..i started revising ma mads.. bt cudnt concentrate much.. soon after..i went to bed w/o ironing ma uniform.. strangely..i woke up at 0430 and ironed ma clothes..hahah..ngigau kot..tp bagus lah..den tuk ma geog bk..tot of continuing bt i slept.. wadahell..woke up at 6 and took ma shower and evrthing.. 0630 went out.. tawakal je lah.. during silent reading period..i luked thru tourism.. klah..can still remember sum facts dat i've learned fer ma n lvls.. cool huh..! bla bla bla..i reached hm at 2pm juz now.. haiz.. hafta study ma social studies and dnt!!! stupid lah.. oh yah.. i went to ma lahling's blog..dat is so sweet of her.. em touched by her werds..i actually cried.. thanx gurl.. heck abt dem lah.. i dun giv a damn anymore..i dun find him special anymore.. i hope it will remain dis way.. i think i can move on.. dun nd him alr.. i juz nd ma family and of coz ma wonderful fwens...thanx fer being der fer me.. hmm.. i really find dis edwin really cute.. hes juz so adorable u noe.. of coz lah..ma baby.. hahha.. cum on lah diana..hes sec 2..SO..??!!! hahah.. haiz... kalo lah dia baye aku..siang2 aku da amek oi..!!! hahahah...well edwin..thou u din visit ma blog..juz wanna thank u fer da moral support and everything..k baby.. muah muah.. ahahhaha... lina... aku da tk btul ke.. ngan bdk kecik pon aku suke..!!!hahahah.... nah..main2 je tau... korng nie.. ish...tp ok jugak kan..hahah.. hes very cute lah.. fill d emptiness insyd me.. true.. nvm... ayte..gona start mugging now... aaarrggghhh....!!!!!! i dunno...i suddenly made up ma mind.. i wanna b single...!!!! lyk da song from natasha bedingfield.."...em single..ryd now..dats how i wanna b.." i dun find da need to be attached.. mayb i dun wanna hurt maself again..also not to hurt d oder party.. i think dats d best thing to do now.. mayb em thirsty of a guy's love bt hmm..i duno..i juz dun wanna luv sumbody.. its TROUBLESOME..!!! ryd..? learned ma lesson so far.. fer da tym being..i'll remain single.. its fun u noe.. now..i juz dun fall fer anyone..i only wanna luv maself..ma wonderful family and fwens..but guys in particular.. um umm..nope.. none..! yup..i dunno y all of a sudden em able to gather all ma courage and strength and everything to say dis..and i really mean it..! mayb i'll juz tell ma gurlfwens.."hey.. dis guy's kinda cute...eh..i lyk dis guy..." and ma favourite sentence but nvr mean it..."..I WANNA HAV A BOYFWEN...!" ahak..! dats me..wen i see couples..i juz wanna hav a partner..but a min later..i'll juz change ma mind.. wahahah..."fergt it.." i said.. so yah..." DIS IS MA CURRENT SINGLE STATUS..MA DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.. DERS NO WAY EM TRADING PLACES..RIGHT NOW A STAR'S IN D ASCENDANT.. EM SINGLE..RYD NOW..DATS HOW I WANNA B.." i juz luv dis song man.. thanx lina...fer introducing me to dis song 5 months ago..hahaa... abt jd..i've gotten over him lyk abt 90% lyk dat..yup.. cool ryd.. mayb sumtyms i'll juz b lyk.." hmm...i mizz him.." and stuff lyk dat..but i'll juz shut dat feeling and thot off a.s.a.p.. and scold maself fer having dat feeling.. ya..dats how i manage to gt over him.. HEARD DAT GURLS.. YA..DA TWO OF U..!! but hmm..u guys hav diffrnt story.. nvm.. hey..i hav dis junior..hes so bloody cute and sweet..ma bandmate lah.. den da dae b4 invest he came to me and said.." aiya diana..u going alr..den ur not cuming fer band anymore huh..? den its gonna b very boring lah.. u dun hav..." i was lyk.."awww..edwin..dats so sweet..nolah..i'll cum down wenever em free.. ok.." den..i wasnt expecting his msg.. suddenly each tym after ma papers..he will msg and askd.. hows ur paper? swit ryd..i mean hes only sec 2.. and damn hes so HOT..! very charming dude.. i loik..! haha.. den we msg here and der..hes juz so adorable.. he calls me BABY sia.. coz i kold him dat.. fer fun.. skali he keep koling me dat.. aiya..hes juz so swit lah..cant describe it.. if em in sec 2..i'll juz go fer him sia..hahah.. remember..i loik chinese guys..hahah...ya Allah diana.. ape da jadi ngan ko nie huh..? syat syay syat..dasyat..! hmmm....well.. i think i bttr stp wif all dis nonsense.. gotta study man..em scared.. i hav lots of competitors.. ma fwens(da top students in class) will evrytym ask fer ma results..i mean we compare and everything..coz dey tot em gd n clever... aiya..cnnt lose to dem lah.. cnnt drop ma standard.. no no no... muz maintain ma standard..!!! hopefully mid yr wun b dat difficult..hahah.. ok den.. gonna take ma shower now..hav ma breakfast..and hopefully study..!!! aarrggghhh...!!!!!! em not even eager to do ma mid yr examz...usually i'll b lyk mugging bt now..slack all da way.. y...diana..????aiyo..y r u so laZy...? ingat pesanan arwahnye tk...? blaja...!!!! hmm... yelah.. nw..its consider late to do ma revision..i mean..if i wanna do a last min preparation..i hafta study smart.. roziah gav sum clues..so fer social studies..i will only study population and northern island.. geog..only agriculture and wad eh..fergt da name lah..study smart ar..if let sae sum oder tpic dat cums out..den...biasa jugak.. tembak jelah.. bang! bang! hahah.. aiya..its only da mid yr..promise i'll study hard fer prelims.. hey...i've downloaded da new version of msn maself...cool...hahah... hmmm...y mus jd send me da u'll-always-be-remembered msg..damn.. y muz he remember me.. so wad if he does..plz dun tell me..now em feeling down..haiz..bt i hafta move on coz he has.. i hafta..!!! plz dun let dat feeling cumz back..i wanna throw it far away... i wanna begin a new lyf.. plz...oh man.. i hate dis lah..bt nvm.. gonna meet him fer da last tym on fri to gt back ma fon..den afta dat mayb i wun b seeing him again.. nvr...!i dun wan to..its fer ma own gd..he..? i dun think he cares..so..y muz i care...i HAFTA b strong... lina...zul... y muz he msg me..lina..u noe da feeling ryd..even u too zul..i hate dis.. nah..em not gonna let it affect me.. em happy wif wad i hav now.. i dun wanna repeat da history..nvr! let bygones be bygones...hmmm.... ya Allah...kuatkanlah hati hambamu ini.. berilah aku semangat dan kekuatan utk meneruskn kehidupan... amin.. em going crazy ova a guy dat i barely noe..wahahah... i duno y..todae..i've bn turning on and off da comp countless tyms..tot he wud log in to msn.. den can chat fer awhile..bt nah..i dun think so.. haiz..so..now...i give up..not gonna turn on ma comp again...having eng paper tmr bt dunno wad to study..format? aiya..duno lah.. dun care...ok den..all da bez diana. hmm... wearing ma new skirt tmr..wahaha..damn big..stupid aunty.. think i so fat issit.. dunno hw to take measurements.. bt nvm..i noe hw to deal wif it. diana katekn.. biasa jugak...wahahah...ok.. em getting out hand.. gd bye den.. poOof..!!! argh...strange...asal hati gue nggak tenteram ya.. i've bn lyk waiting fer his kol...but y..? damn lah..hate dis feeling..haiz... its not as if hes gonna kol me tonyd ryd..lyk we r fwens.. mayb bes fwens may 'report strength'.. bt we r juz fwens.. wads wrong wif me...!!!!! i mizz him... but y? do i hav any feelings fer him..gosh.. i duno.. we ended da conversation in an inappropriate way..den off he went to..ermm.. k.L i thnk..feeling guilty and i kinda miz him.. toking to him mayb..i dunno.. argh.. seriously..i nd a guy by ma syd..to make me smile wen em sad, to hug me wen em lonely, to push me wen i slack and bla bla bla..bt do i really nd a guy..i mean..i hav ma fwens ard me.. bt..its diffrnt i guess..hmm.. byk ranjau duri yg harus kita alami.. kdg kala, sukar rasanya utk menghadapi gelombang hidupku ini.. now em still wondering if i nd a guy...half of me strongly said yes..but half of me..said no.. how? i duno..is der any1 out der wanna take me as ur gf...? hahaha..omg...i sounded so despo...hell no..em not ya..aiya..dunno lah..wen will i find ma mr right..hahah.. ma prince charming.. hmmm.. *dreaming* haahha.. ok den..lets hope sumbody may lyk me..fer who i am of coz.. *winkz* ma class t shirt is ruin.....AAARRGGGHHHH...!!!! i wan it bk.. how stupid can i gt...i washed it in d morning juz now..using da machine..den ders a lil patch here and der..den i soaked it..i totally fergt abt it..tonyd..wen mama wanted to clear da laundries..she found out..i was lyk..' aaarrrggghhh...damn it...its horrible...aaarrggghh...' eh..really sad u noe..i wanna make a new 1...will da uncle agree..?i hope so.. i'll seduce him if i hafta..lyk..' uncle..plz lah..help me can..i giv u ice cream later..'hahahah..of coz wif dat seductive luk lah..hahah...aiya..if cannt den how.. i hate him ferever..i will b lyk...'damn u uncle...lyk dat oso cannt help..' alah..tell fathiah oso useless...she juz luff..idiot sia.. i dun care..i wanna make a new 1.. hopefully da uncle doesnt throw it away.. alamak..i made anoder soul unhappy..i've hurt his feelings..damn..y muz i do dat..it wasnt on purpose ok.. baby..em so sori.. hmmm... guess he wun be dat happy abt d trip.. (i think)..bt i hope he'll be and fergt abt wad i've said..and cum home happily..coz i'll b waiting fer his return.. to nabz..tk cr ayte..missing u lots.. |